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Yarrow Reservoir
Set in miniature Lake District and beautiful it is too
Yarrow Reservoir....
...is the newest and deepest of the eight reservoirs with a surface area of 65 acres and a perimeter of 1.6 miles. There are
two embankments, namely
Turner’s- 850yds
Yarrow- 583yds
It was designed by the Borough Engineer of Liverpool Thomas Duncan, and was begun in 1867. Shortly after construction
started Duncan died and a Joseph Jackson then oversaw the building of the reservoir until its completion in 1875 and filled
in 1877. The highest embankment, Turner’s, stands 103 ft above the original ground level. It contains 839 million gallons (
the third greatest of all eight reservoirs in the scheme.
Yarrow’s intake is mostly from The River Yarrow and Limestone Brook, which converge at Meeting of the Waters near the
new Alance Bridge. There is one other intake which has a constructed inflow and that is near the ruins of Anderton’s on the
east bank.
Yarrow’s outflow is through a tunnel by the Yarrow embankment and enters the
Anglezarke reservoir under the bridge at the northern end of Knowsley Lane just
under a 100 ft below
Footpaths It is possible to walk round Yarrow Reservoir. To the north, the country lane
provides the route, then on the east side a path leaves Hodge Brow and follows the
line of the reservoir. It will take you down to Dean Wood House. Continuing south you
meet a lane and then turn north where you will ee the 103 ft embankment that is called
Turner’s The path will lead you back to Parson’s Bullough Lane
Below The Surface
The summer of 2013 was a very dry and pleasant summer, so Yarrow, along with Anglezarke and Rivington reservoirs were
lower than they had been for many years. It was Yarrow that provided me with the find that most interested me. For it was
there that I discovered the hamlet of Alance, the present bridge of that name replaced an older one a few hundred yards
downstream of the present one. At the south end of Yarrow was a farm by the name of Turners, although not revealed at the
time of writing there is a chance it may yet be revealed. Its driveway is the track that slopes down to the overflow into
Anglezarke. And its gateposts are still standing today, to the left of the bridge over the overflow, which cut straight through
the farm track when it was built
In 1877 the reservoir was filled and the hamlet of Alance, the original Alance Bridge, and Turner’s Farm all disappeared
below the surface.