Ullock Pike, Long Side, Carl Side & Skiddaw

Date                   18/9/2010  

ULLOCK PIKE - the neat domed summit, upholstered in heather, and crossed by a narrow track is just the sort of place to make one wish it could be parcelled up and taken home for the back garden

LONGSIDE - one of the choicest of summits

CARLSIDE - the prospect southwards over Derwentwater to the mountains around the head of Borrowdale is delightful

SKIDDAW - a giant in stature, but an affable and friendly giant

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Susan, Jed, Paul, Troy, Ruby, Sue, Paul, Emma, Jamie, Sara, Carol & Karen    
Weather:  Mostly cloudy , rain shower, mist and strong winds on Skiddaw summit    
Distance 6 miles 2700' of ascent    
Started at: Lay-by on the Orthwaite road off the A591     
Ullock Pike 2230'    
Longside 2405'    
Carlside 2420'    
Skiddaw 3053'  
Other Walks to these tops
Apr 2002
May 2002
Oct 2009

An early start for this tough walk as parking at our intended spot is difficult. I was driving, and picked Susan up and then Paul. Then it was on to meet two more cars at M65 J3. We were on the Motorway by 7.25. Before 9am we had parked on the Bell Close car park in Keswick for a break and had some toasties from the extortionately priced cafe before heading off to the lay-by on the Orthwaite road. After manoeuvring around a silly old woman in a 4x4 who would not reverse 20 ft., we finally parked up and started the walk at 9.40

It was reasonably fine with some sunny spells as we we reached Watches, a natural rock deposit. at the foot of the ridge to Ullock Pike. Mist was hovering above Skiddaw. The weather was changing all the time and a 5 minute shower on the upper slopes of Ullock Pike forced us to get the waterproof's out. By the time we had reached the top it had stopped. Some of the party had never attempted a walk of this magnitude and had done superbly so far. After Ullock Pike, Long Side and Carl Side were easy to scale, though Carol did wonder why we did Carl Side when there was a short cut to Skiddaw which omitted the short climb to Carl Side. We had lunch on Carl Side with the vista of Keswick and the NW fells below us. Then it was time for the final 780 foot climb to the south top of Skiddaw. Not difficult, but a steep ascent, though one or two of the party were unimpressed by it. After taking our time, and some off us having to wait for Susan to apply blister patches to her feet, we finally met up with everyone in a shelter on the south top. The wind was very strong and loud - making it almost impossible to hear anyone. Paul and I took compass bearings as the mist had cut out all views and Skiddaw is difficult to navigate off in thick mist as paths cannot be seen on the slate surface of this massive mountain. And then we set off for the summit. We didn't linger as there was no view and a strong biting wind did not make it an hospitable place. Very soon we were off the summit, and suddenly the wind ceased, there was silence. At the same time the mist simply evaporated and we had views to Skiddaw House to the east and the coast to the west. Arriving at the 831m point we took a bearing to lead us in the direction of Cockup, then making a sharp turn to descend the steep slopes of White Horse. After the log steep descent we took a breather at Barkbeth Gill, filling bottles with the crystal clear mountain water. From there it was a small climb over sodden ground to Little Knott then a gradual descent all the way to the cars A tough 6 mile walk with 4 summits all (above the 2000ft) that we all accomplished with ease, with sore feet or aching legs being the only problems. I enjoyed it and I hope everyone else did. Anyone who climbed this today can climb any summit in the Lakes.

Links to previous walks and to be able to see different weather conditions are here

Photo's by J. McCormick unless otherwise stated

Shortly after leaving the cars this is the start of the ascent to Watches
This is the view to the head of Bassenthwaite Lake from the intake wall
After the intake wall we take the green path to Watches
Susan, Karen and Carol on the path to Watches. The false summit of Ullock Pike is in the distance - photo: Sara Tomlinson
It looks so easy from Watches! photo: Sara Tomlinson
Scar Ness from near Watches
Barf, Lords Seat and Broom Fell photo: Sara Tomlinson
Sale Fell across Bass. Lake photo: Sara Tomlinson
Ascending The Edge
Height has been gained and we are now on The Edge. Bass. Lake is far below - Photo: P Thomason
Ruby and Jamie on The Edge - the ascent is steep
Carol and Susan about to begin a small scramble
A section of the steep path we have climbed. Note the fields way below
Taking a break - but almost there
Looking down our route of ascent
Long Side from near the summit of Ullock Pike. To give a sense of scale, note the lone walker on the ridge (right)
"We are nearly there" photo: Sara Tomlinson
Impromptu artwork
The Edge - photo: P. Thomason
Troy waits for everyone to catch up
Ullock Pike summit
Zooming in on Karen, Jamie and Emma on the summit....
....waiting for everyone else to get there.
Skiddaw shrouded in mist, take from Ullock Pike
Sara, Ruby Paul and Susan reach the top with a spectacular view behind them
Everyone on the top - except Troy and I
The easy track to Long Side photo: Sara Tomlinson
...and looking back to Ullock Pike  photo: Sara Tomlinson
Looking over to the might of Skiddaw. The path we would take to its summit is clearly visible - photo: P. Thomason
Looking back to Ullock Pike from the slopes of Long Side. Bass Lake if far below
A clear Skiddaw with our path of ascent on the right. Sue would hate this later on!
The ridge we had just climbed
On the ridge
Troy and Ruby reach Carl Side first
Carl Side summit cairn with Skiddaw Little Man beyond
Looking up the path to Skiddaw from Carlside
Time for lunch with this vista. Keswick and Derwent Water way below Carl Side's south ridge
Lunch time and Troy has just been given some well earned food photo: Sara Tomlinson
Emma, Sue, Paul and Jamie with Troy hoping he'll be offered something from Jamie photo: Sara Tomlinson
Slades Beck photo: Sara Tomlinson
780 feet to go as we pass the tiny Carlside Tarn
The Ullock Pike ridge from the path to Skiddaw
At this point on the path to the summit we met several other people - and the weather closed in photo: Sara Tomlinson
Jed looks up the easy gradient to the summit photo: Sara Tomlinson
... whilst Troy is pigged off. He hates wind with rain photo: Sara Tomlinson
The weather deteriorated near the summit and here Sue is probably not explaining to Emma and Jamie that Skiddaw is made from marine deposits, unlike other mountain ranges in the Lake District - photo: P. Thomason
Very near the Trig Point stands this stainless steel information plaque photo: P Thomason
Emma (with a red letter P hanging from her nose), Jamie and Paul at the Trig point 3053 feet above sea level. The informational plaque is behind them photo: Susan Thomason
The wind was atrocious on Skiddaw summit, but it suddenly stopped as we made for Broad End
Here Paul gingerly takes one small step for mankind
Ullock Pike
The descent to White Horse
Sara starts the descent
Looking over Randel Crag and Southerndale to Long Side and Ullock Pike
Carol and Karen going down Broad End
Emma approaches the start of the very steep descent to Barkbeth Gill
...whilst behind are Karen, Carol, Sara, Susan and Paul and the two dogs
Rest time before the start of the trek to Barkbethdale. Paul takes off Susan's trousers - with her permission I assume!!
It's steep and hard work
...but soon it's much easier after reaching Little Knott with its glacial stone deposits
Another view from Little Knott of the Ullock Pike ridge
A large sheep pen near the ford
The sun finally came out as Paul takes to the path in Southerndale. Now its a simple gradient all the way back to the cars

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