Tarn Crag, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott & Helm Crag


TARN CRAG - is a beautiful little top, the highest point, a sharp peak, being just big enough to accommodate the neat cairn. Crags fall away steeply, but there are comfortable ledges from which the charming views of Grasmere may be surveyed.

CALF CRAG - The highest point, small and rocky, is a pleasant place for a halt an quiet contemplation of the scenery.

GIBSON KNOTT - the summit is interesting, other parts less so.

HELM CRAG - affectionately known as "The Lion and The Lamb"

A. Wainwright

Date                   12/6/2004    
Walks done by: Jed, Paul and Susan    
Weather:  A cloudy start but improving throughout. Very warm     
Distance 8 miles    
Started at: Grasmere    
Tarn Crag 1801'    
Calf Crag 1762'    
Gibson Knott 1379'  
Helm Crag 1299  
Other Walks 25/1/2003        

The start of the walk from Grasmere with Tarn Crag ahead 
The ridge that would be our return route ie Calf Crag, Gibson Knott & Helm Crag
Approaching Tarn Crag summit
Looking across to Silver How. First sign of the nice day to follow as the sun appears
The western face of Tarn Crag
Susan on the summit
All of us on Tarn Crag's summit
Wainwright mentions this cairn as a good viewpoint for Easedale Tarn
...and it is
Paul and Susan on Calf Crag summit
Looking across to Deer Bield Crag
Panorama of the Tarn Crag ridge
Looking down the valley of Far Easedale

Descending from Calf Crag this was seen on a cairn

This is the cairn and its lovely view
Taking a break - Tarn Crag is across the valley
On the path to Gibson Knott
And there's always time for a few exercises
Gibson Knott summit with Calf Crag beyond
Getting off Gibson Knott
Leaving Gibson Knott and heading for the last summit of the day - Helm Crag
Just a glimpse of Easedale Tarn 
Paul's impression of The Sound of Music's "The hills are alive"
Helm Crag
Susan has a butty to give her stamina for the last climb. Paul is ready to fly up on his broomstick 
Approaching the summit 
The Lion and the Lamb 
Susan takes in the excellent views
Susan and Paul on the southern summit 
Me - on Helm Crag with Dunmail Raise far below
The vale of Grasmere 
Panorama from the descent from Helm Crag