Sergeant Man, High Raise, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott & Helm Crag


SERGEANT MAN - the view is of mountains almost exclusively, not valleys.

HIGH RAISE - the fell's attractions, except as a viewpoint and an easy promenade are limited

CALF CRAG - The highest point, small and rocky, is a pleasant place for a halt an quiet contemplation of the scenery.

GIBSON KNOTT - the summit is interesting, other parts less so.

HELM CRAG - affectionately known as "The Lion and The Lamb"

A. Wainwright

Date                   25/1/2003  
Walks done by: Jed  

Sunny, clouding over later. Very strong winds. Temp Cold.

Distance 8.5 miles
Started at: Grasmere
Sergeant Man 2414'
High Raise 2500'
Calf Crag 1762'
Gibson Knott 1379'
Helm Crag 1299'
      Other walks to Sergeant Man 24/1/2009    
      Other walks to Calf Crag, Gibson Knott etc 12/6/2004    

This was one of those walks were my mind was telling me I wanted to walk and my body was telling me I'm too tired to walk. Thankfully the mind won, though I have never been as tired at the end of a walk as I was at the finish of this one. I still enjoyed it

Swollen river near the ford on the Easedale Road, Buttermere
Sourmilk Gill thundering down the mountainside
Helm Crag from Easedale. Notice the water level of Easedale Beck
New Bridge
A closer view of Sourmilk Gill
Looking back down Easedale towards Grasmere
Easedale Tarn
Easedale Tarn
Belles Knott
Looking back to Easedale Tarn from the slope of Eagle Crag
Codale Tarn from near Eagle Crag
Looking SW towards Morecambe Bay
Stickle Tarn
First glimpse of Sergeant Man. It was very very windy here today.
The summit of Sergeant Man
Looking across to the Langdales from Sergeant Man
High Raise from Sergeant Man
High Raise summit with trig point and large shelter
High Raise summit
A large cairn on High Raise
Looking towards the unnamed tarn near Calf Crag
Calf Crag from Greenup Edge
Calf Crag
Calf Crag summit cairn
Gibson Knott and Helm Crag
Seat Sandal in sunlight
The view down Far Easedale
Steep drop into Far Easedale
Gibson Knott
Another steep drop near Gibson Knott
Gibson Knott summit with Seat Sandal in the distance
Helm Crag from Gibson Knott
Helm Crag summit and the Howitzer
The view down to Dunmail Raise from the Howitzer
And another view from the south
Grasmere lake from Helm Crag
Grasmere Village as the light goes
The lights are on at The Travellers Rest
and if this hanky is yours its hanging up half way up Helm Crag. (I'd be surprised if it's still there now)