
Date                   23/11/2003  

CAW - means calf, but there is nothing docile and gentle in its temperament. But it is the view to the Scafells, at any time of year, that will win most hearts. The picture is a classic


A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed    
Weather:  Slightly misty to start - sunshine to finish. Warm and hazy.    
Distance 5.2 miles.    
Started at: Grid Ref 217957 near Hall Dunderdale     
Caw 1735'  

Start of the walk and the path to Park Head Road is the first stage
Gaining height as I approach the sheep pen. White Maiden, in the distance, is covered in cloud.


Sheep pen on Park Head Road 
The view from the quarry track
First glimpse of old mine building
Entrance to the old mine. See Caw 2015 for photo's inside the mine, which opens up into a large cavernl.
A mine building - but of no use for shelter as it has no roof.
Looking down to the valley from the spoil of the mine
Our path to the top and the Trig point is just visible on the summit
Wonderful views from the top
Wonderful views from the top
Wonderful views from the top - this one looking to Stickle Pike
Looking down to Long Mire from Caw
Caw summit
Two hikers making their way up Caw from Long Mire
The impressive view to White Pikle (left) and White Maiden (right)
Dawson Pike covered in cloud
The start of the descent to Long Mire
Looking back at my descent route
Looking back to Caw and its southerly side from Long Mire
Wallowbarrow Crag
Stickle from the Park Head Road (it's a path nowadays)
Park Head Road meanders towards Caw
Looking back to Caw from the Kiln Cross Road
The path back to the car