The "nearly disastrous" walk

Date                   3/1/2015  

CAW - means calf, but there is nothing docile and gentle in its temperament. But it is the view to the Scafells, at any time of year, that will win most hearts. The picture is a classic


A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Paul, Susan, Ruby, Jed, Harvey, Sue, Jessie, Emma, Jamie and Arron    
Weather:  Rain to start - clearing with sunny spells & blustery winds    
Distance 4.5 miles.    
Started at: Hall Bridge, Hall Dunnerdale (Grid ref SD213953).    
Caw 1735'  

After setting off without a map, forgetting the way, and starting the walk in rain up the fell, one could be forgiven for thinking it was to be a disastrous day. Arriving in Ulverston (where we never should have been), Susan bought a map - one problem solved. Arriving late was a blessing as it meant we only endured 25 minutes of drizzle before it stopped raining and by the time we reached the mine there was blue sky in places. Inside the mine it was wet but enjoyable as we entered into two large caverns.

Onwards and upwards, and it was a bit steep, the summit was reached in bright sunshine. With extensive 360 views it had been worth the climb. After having lunch we took Paul's route down, which turned out to be even steeper than the way we went up. Eventually we arrived back at the cars and set off for the pub at Broughton Mills. After motoring up the 1 in 3 hairpin road and down the other side, we never saw the pub, so we carried on to Broughton in Furness where we had a superb pint before heading home. I think Sue conquered her fears of underground caverns, heights and steep narrow roads!!

Caw is a beautiful fell - if you haven't climbed it - put it on your "do next" list. You won't be disappointed. Oh and take a headlight to explore the mine!

A thoroughly enjoyable walk, after a bad start

Looking back down Park Head Road towards Seathwaite. Late morning mist is starting to clear and at this point the rain had stopped
Another view of Park Head Road, this time from the mine road


Our group on the miners track up to the mine.
Sue inside the mine
... and Susan inside it too
The view as we exited the mine. Susan, Ruby, Harvey, Paul, Emma and Arron
Debris from the mine workings
Looking down to Dunnerdale
Ruby and Susan approaching Caw Summit
Morecambe Bay through the clouds - stunning. The photo doesn't do the view justice
The last section of the ascent - the summit now visible
Paul on Caw summit
Lunchtime with a great view, Jamie, Ruby, Sue and Emma
Eerie view to Morecambe Bay from Caw summit
Jessie, Susan, Emma, Ruby and Susan on Caw top
Clouds to the west of the summit
Paul's descent route!!!
Safely down, Jamie and Arron are just visible half way down the crag
Back on the Park Head Road
..and glorious weather to end the walk

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