Illgill Head

Date                   4/10/2003  

ILLGILL HEAD - this remarkable point of vantage high above the lake (35 yards) from the summit cairn), should be visited nevertheless: if it is omitted the whole ascent becomes pointless.

The screes, when seen in the light of an evening sun, make a picture of remarkable colour and brilliance: a scene unique in this country

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Barb and Kay    
Weather:  Cold, Windy, Sunny and showery    
Distance 6 miles    
Started at: Lay-by near NT camp site    
Great Mell Fell 1998'  


Arriving at Wasdale
Wast Water from the start of the walk
The Illgill Head ridge
Middle Fell (l), Seatallan (c) and Yewbarrow (r)
The path to Illgill Head
Wasdale Head with Kirk Fell in the centre 
The same view as above but from further away and with height gain. Great Gable is to the right of Kirk Fell
Kay and Barb near the summit of Illgill Head
Looking across to Yewbarrow
Barb and Kay on Illgill Head summit
Kay and I. I'm lifting her hood so the camera can see her face!
The first sighting of Wast Water
Two views of Wast Water from Illgill Head
Kay on the path to Whin Rigg
The path to Whin Rigg and the top of the Screes
Looking over to Seascale
Some of the scree is just visible way below
Great Gable with rain clouds above
Closer view of the coast and Seascale
Kay and I in an old shelter
Wasdale Head from the descent path
Barb descending from Illgill Head
Looking up Lingmell Gill to Scafell Pike
The three of us safely down