Wetherlam via Black Sails

Date                   15/2/2004  

WETHERLAM - this fine hill is too vast and sturdy to be disfigured and weakened by man's feeble scratchings of its surface and remains today, as of old, a compelling presence to which walkers in Brathay will oft turn their eager steps.

The picture everywhere is good, but best of all is the lovely countryside of Brathay, seen in all its glory as from an aeroplane, and revealing a large array of sparkling waters.

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Pam, Paul, Tony, Susan and Gill    
Weather:  Sunny to start with cloud moving in from midday.    
Distance 7 miles    
Started at: Sun Hotel, Coniston    
Wetherlam 2502'    

Coppermines Valley from the path to the Miners Cottages
Kennel Crag
First Break - needed as it was very warm at this point
Looking back down the ascent route from the climb up Kennel Crag
Red Dell from the ascent of Kennel Crag
Looking back down the valley
Another break at Erin Crag
Coniston Water from Erin Crag
Levers Water with Coniston Old Man (L) and Brim Fell (right of centre)
Near Black Sails Summit
Rescue helicopter flying above Greenburn Reservoir
Crinkle Crags (L) and Pike O Blisco (c) and The Langdale (R)
A distant Blea Tarn
Coniston Water (l) and The Old Man (r)
Wetherlam Summit
Coniston Water from the descent along Lad Stones
Coniston Old Man from Lad Stones
From Lad Stones ridge, across the valley the direct route up Coniston Old Man can be seen.
Group photo above Hole Rake
..and again
One of the engines from the Halifax bomber that crashed on Great Carrs. It can be viewed at the Coniston Museum