Steel Knotts, Wether Hill, Loadpot Hill & Arthur's Pike

Date                   19/9/2009  

STEEL KNOTTS - Its summit is named Pikeawassa, a craggy tor that would worthily embellish the summit of many a higher fell.

WETHER HILL - its best features are found in its valleys

LOADPOT HILL - it harbours so much life, in addition to the inevitable sheep, hardy fell ponies roam and graze at will and the Martindale deer often cross the watershed.

ARTHUR'S PIKE - Lakeland occupies little more than a quarter of the horizon, but that quarter is magnificent

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Susan, Billy, Troy & Ruby    
Weather:  Bright to start, Rain and mist on Wether Hill, and then brightening up after leaving Loadpot Hill. Mild    
Distance 8 miles    
Started at: Howtown    
Steel Knotts 1414'    
Wether Hill 2210'    
Loadpot Hill 2201'    
Arthur's Pike 1747'

This was a hastily arranged walk, which saw Paul having to pull out at the last minute, and with Pam returning from Southampton, she was not available. Leaving Chorley at 8 we made good time to Shap (it would have been better without the 4 long stretches of 50 mph average speed, speed cameras on the M6). The weather was bright and sunny at Shap where we stopped for a coffee. And it was still sunny when we arrived at Howtown.

Because of our early start parking wasn't a problem and we were soon passing the Howtown Hotel on our way to the north ridge of Steel Knotts. It's a steep start but 45 minutes later we were approaching the top of the ridge. The summit of Steel Knotts is named Pikeawassa and good views were abundant. However to the west rain clouds were ominous. Shortly after leaving the ruins at the foot of Gowk Hill the weather began to close in. As we reached the Wether Hill ridge we had to don full waterproofs before making our way to the summit. By now visibility was very poor and for safeties sake a compass bearing was taken for Loadpot Hill. We soon reached the chimney of Lowther House and made the short walk to the summit. By now visibility was awful and we were in unfamiliar terrain. Susan and I discussed the options, either return the way we had come or continue, and make for Pooley Bridge and return to Howtown by the Ullswater Ferry. We chose the later. Firstly we took a bearing to the NW to cross the well defined High Street path and then set forth. Just after finding the path the weather suddenly cleared and good views were to be had. We took off the waterproofs and made our way to Arthur's Pike. From there its a pleasant gradual descent to Cock Pit and on to Pooley Bridge.We had two coffees at the pier cafe before boarding the ferry to Howtown.

To summarise, we all thoroughly enjoyed the walk, which offered very varied terrain and great views. Well worth it.

Steel Knotts
Looking down Fusedale from the foot of Steel Knotts' north ridge
Hallin Fell from the foot of the ridge
Looking towards The Coombs
The ferry approaching Howtown

And taken a little higher up the ridge - the ferry is leaving Howtown for Pooley Bridge

Nearing the top of the ridge, this is the view to the south West towards Place Fell
Susan and Billy nearing Pikeawassa. Troy coming back to make sure we are OK
Looking down to the road to Sandwick
Susan and Ruby with a very steep drop to their right
And finally we get on the ridge. Susan and Ruby head for Pikeawassa, the name of Steel Knotts' summit
Ruby looks up at me on the summit
Billy reaches the summit
..and so does Susan along with her new radio
The south ridge of Steel Knotts, which will lead us towards Wether Hill and over a thousand feet of climbing to get there.
Billy, Susan and Ruby on Pikeawassa
getting down is a little trickier!!
Billy starts the descent from the summit, high above the valley and Howe Grain
Looking back at Pikeawassa
And another glance back, this time showing the whole of the ridge.
Shortly after this photo was taken the weather came in, rain and thick cloud. Wether Hill and Loadpot Hill are not good places to be in mist. For the first time since we last climbed Scafell Pike 3 years ago the use of a compass and walking a bearing was necessary. There are no photos of Wether Hill and Loadpot Hill.
Shortly after leaving Loadpot Hill the rain ceased....
...and this is the view back to Loadpot Hill, still engulfed in cloud.
The weather continued to improve - this is the view towards Beda Fell
...and this towards Great and Little Mell fells
The view towards Arthur's Pike from High Street
Troy leads the way to Arthur's Pike
Troy, Billy and Susan atop Arthur's Pike.
We took the decision here to walk to Pooley Bridge and take the ferry back to Howtown
Looking back to Arthur's Pike
Troy on the path to Pooley Bridge
Elder Beck near The Cockpit - photo by Billy
Susan on the path that goes alongside Elder Beck
Rowan in full bloom
The west side of Ullswater from the ferry - photo by Billy
The view down Ullswater to Hallin Fell and Place Fell taken from the ferry moorings at Pooley Bridge
....and Troy
Billy through the port hole
Troy and Dad enjoy a cuddle.
The ridge of Steel Knotts from the ferry

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