Skiddaw, Little Man and Lonscale Fell Castlerigg Stone Circle


LITTLE MAN - is so fine a mountain that it is less than justice that its name must forever acknowledge subservience to the parent Skiddaw

SKIDDAW - the summit is buttressed magnificently by a circle of lesser heights, all of them members of the proud Skiddaw family

LONSCALE FELL - a graceful and gentle curve against the sky, ends very abruptly in a sharp peak.

A. Wainwright

Date                   22/4/2004    
Walks done by: Jed and Barbara    
Weather:  Blue skies, sunshine, cold - very cold     
Distance 8 miles 2900' of ascent    
Started at: Castlerigg Farm Camp Site    
Little Man 2837'    
Skiddaw 3053'    
Lonscale Fell 2344'  

We made an early start for this tough walk (well it's tough when both walkers have a hangover). However, with some determination, we started the long tough climb to Little Man. By the time we'd reached that summit the cobwebs had been blown away and Skiddaw was a piece of cake.

We decided to add Lonscale Pike to the day's repertoire, well worth it for the easy stroll to it's top. The descent was simple and we chose to visit the Stone Circle at Castlerigg on the way home.

After a decidedly dodgy start, this turned out to be a day we thoroughly enjoyed.

The Hawell Monument
Another view from the back of the monoment looking to the NW fells
Looking up the Tourist path - forboding after several pints the previous night
With little height gained - the views have already opened up across to Derwentwater and Catbells
A little higher and the views are just getting better and better
Taken from the path to Little Man, this is the view eastwards to Lonscale Fell and Blencathra beyond.
Superb cairn on the way to Little Man
Barb on Little Man
...and me on Little Man
The path to Skiddaw from Little Man
Skiddaw's south summit
Barb approaching the summit., Long Side and Ullock Pike are way below
Barb and Jed at Skiddaw summit
Near the summit is this direction plate
Looking to the north east - and the Northern Fells
Barb and Jed at Skiddaw summit
We met a couple with a St Bernard at the summit and we spent a few minutes fussing him
The view back to Little Man
Zooming in on Derwent Water
Barb makes her way towards Lonscale Fell
Barb and I on Lonscale Fell summit
It's quite a steep descent from Lonscale Fell
...but eventually the track is reached
This is the view from the path to Castlerigg Stone Circle looking to the Helvellyn ridge
Castlerigg Stone Circle in front of Blencathra
Jed at the Circle
...and Barb also
A lovely evening at Castlerigg
Evenings like this are few and far between. It was an evening we will remember for years to come
...and then it was dusk. ...the end of a long and enjoyable day