Sheffield Pike


SHEFFIELD PIKE - even on a sunny day the top of the fell seems a dismal, cheerless place

A. Wainwright

I liked Sheffield Pike - I enjoyed the climb, I enjoyed the summit and I enjoyed the views. Yes it has been scarred by mining - but these scars add interest to the fell, imagining the workers who toiled here, the machinery that would have been here




Walks done by: Jed and Barb    
Weather:  Glorious    
Distance 6 miles    
Started at: Glenridding    
Sheffield Pike 2232'    


Ullswater from the path to Seldom Seen
and from higher up  the Glencoyne valley
Black Crag
A nice view of Ullswater
Glencoyne Head
Me on Bleabank Side
Barb on Bleabank Side
Looking across to Catstye Cam from Nick Head
Boundary post inscribed M 1912. On the other side is H 1912. They were erected the mark the boundary of the Howard Estate of Greystoke and the Howard Estate of Patterdale
The final section to the top
Me on Sheffield Pike summit
The excellent view along Ullswater from near the summit
..and another view
Looking down to Glenridding Dodd and the end of Ullwater
Looking down on Glenridding
Looking down the valley from above Greenside mine