Sallows & Sour Howes

Date                   12/10/2013  

SALLOWS - it has much merit as a view point and a scantier virtue as a grouse sanctuary. The Lakeland scene occupies only half the panorama: it is outstandingly good to the west but unattractive northwards where Yoke fills much of the horizon. The rest of the view is exceedingly extensive, varied and interesting, covering a wide area from the Pennines across Morecambe Bay to Black Combe

SOUR HOWES - the crowded skyline in the west arrests the attention, with the vertical profile of Scafell above Mickledore prominent in the scene. Langdale Pikes are well seen between and below Great End and Great Gable. There is a very extensive and beautiful prospect southwards from the far Pennines round to Morecambe Bay and Black Combe

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Susan, Paul Harvey and Ruby  
Weather:  Sunny spells, blustery wind, strong at times  
Distance 7 miles  
Started at: Kentmere Village Hall.  
Sallows 1693'  
Sour Howes 1585'  

The "Coddymuck" Walk - so called because it was a remark made by Paul to Susan, who'd never heard the term

Originally we had intended doing Helvellyn today, but for one reason and another (hangover by the female of the party and strong gusting winds) we decided to do two Wainwright's we had not done before, namely Sallows and Sour Howes. So with a reasonably early start, we had parked up and had started walking by 9.10am It has been said that they are uninteresting fells and people have wondered why Wainwright included them. Well, we found them to be nice fells, admittedly not difficult, but pleasing and offering excellent views.

We climbed to the top of the Garburn Pass, which is steep in places, but never excessively so and offers nice views of the Kentmere Valley. At the top we climbed the wall stile on the left and followed the faint path straight to Sallows summit. It was gusting but sunny too, and the views were good. After having a chat with three lads from West Bromwich, we said our goodbyes and we headed off for Sour Howes, which is an arcing ridge walk with good views all the way.

From there we headed for a small coppice of fir trees and simply followed a stone wall for a mile or two till we arrived at a meeting of four paths. Taking the one to the left of the stream we headed down Holland & Vose factory and then turning towards Kentmere Tarn. It was here at the southern end of the tarn that we found a large cleat (metal bollard to moor ships to), which was odd as the tarn is not very big and no large boat or ship can sail up the river. then we found evidence of a mooring and also an old metal cabin.

From there we walked along a pleasant reasonably level path above the tarn all the way to Kentmere Hall and then the village. Taking a view minutes to visit the church - we made our way back to the car.

We decided that a pint would be appreciated by all - we made our way to the Beer Hall at Staveley, where fine ales by Hawkshead Brewery can be had. It was ere that we googled Kentmere Tarn and discovered that from the 1950s it was dredged for a mineral called diatomite. Hence the cleats and mooring point. Dredging ended in 1970. Diatomite is used in such things as toothpaste, mechanical insecticide, absorbent for liquids, matting agent for coatings, reinforcing filler in plastics and rubber, anti-block in plastic films, porous support for chemical catalysts, cat litter, activator in blood clotting studies, a stabilizing component of dynamite, and a thermal insulator.

See what you learn from a walk in the fells :-)

A thoroughly enjoyable walk

Climbing the stony Garburn Pass - sometimes difficult to walk on
Looking back down the pass to Kentmere
The t op of the Pass - and extensive views open up
The view back to the Garburn Pass road with the lower slopes of Yoke beyond
Looking North West where Red Screes is prominent in the distance
The approach path to Sallows summit
Sour Howes from Sallows
Harvey and Ruby race towards Sour Howes
Looking back from Sour Howes, The mass of Yoke and Ill Bell is far left, with Sallows on right side of photo
Windermere from Sour Howes
In a strong wind, Paul and Susan admire the view
Harvey stops on the wall as he climbs the stile - he too likes a scenic view
Harvey has a good look around
Susan carries Ruby over the stile built into the wall, followed closely by Paul.
Susan waits for Paul to cross a beck
..then scrambling up the hillside to get around a fallen tree
Paul on stepping stone to cross another beck   Susan crossing the same beck (Photo by Paul)
Autumnal colours beginning to show
A lovely grassy path leads us to.... old shepherds house. It originally was well contained. One room with bed, a chair, a cupboard, shelves and a fire with attached oven. It really would have been quite cosy on a winters night.
The inside of the hut
Kentmere Tarn at the old Dredgers moorings
The delightful path back to Kentmere
Susan, Paul and Ruby stroll back to Kentmere
Inside Kentmere church, this plaque shows from whom the money came to build the church
And this plaque was to Admiral Wilson, who solely funded its restoration in 1866
Inside the lovely little church
A selection of beers in 1/3 pints at Hawkshead's Staveley Beer Hall
Me and Susan in the Beer Hall

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