Sale Fell

Date                   10/7/2007  

SALE FELL - a pleasant eminence of low altitude, not remarkable in itself (although of some interest to geologists) and its main attraction to walkers will be as an easy promenade providing an aerial survey of the hidden Wythop Valley

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Barb and Troy    
Weather:  Sunny spells, and chilly at times. Occasional low cloud but good views    
Distance 4 miles    
Started at: St Margaret's Church    
Sale Fell 1170'   Other Sale Fell walks - 2004  

We did this simply because it is ideal for a short evening walk. Although it is only 1170' it is a lovely fell and more time should be devoted to it than we could spare today. (See here for our previous visit). Troy loved it; huge wide expanses of land for him to explore without the presence of any sheep.

The easy gradient at the start of the walk...
...and near the top of the first section Troy stops to admire the view
Troy returns from an exploratory run
The summit ( in shade)
Troy heads off to the summit cairn - well as far as his lead will let him
..and here he is - his third top
Looking east over to Dodd
Barb at the summit   Troy and I at the summit
The view to the coast
Barb descends in the last of the evening sunshine
Back at the caravan, Troy sleeps soundly after a very energetic day

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