Red Screes and Middle Dodd

Date                   7/12/2003  

RED SCREES - prominent in all views of the Lakeland fells from the lesser heights of South Westmorland is the high whale backed mass of Red Screes, rising in a graceful curve from the head of Windermere and descending abruptly at its northern end.

MIDDLE DODD - considering that Middle Dodd is hemmed in on all sides by higher fells, the view is remarkably good, and unexpectedly extensive in the south west.

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed    
Weather:  Frosty and very cold. Windy on the tops. Very bright sunshine and blue skies all day     
Distance 9 miles    
Started at: Ambleside Car Park    
Red Screes 2541'    
Middle Dodd 2106'  

Looking west from the lower slopes of Red Screes
Rydal Water
Gateway to the fells, looking through it up to Snarker Pike 
Full zoom - looking back towards Windermere
Another view of Rydal Water from higher up on the ridge
Looking to the west and Heron Pike
Dove Crag from near Snarker Pike
Red Screes from Snarker Pike
To the east is the Kirkstone Inn. The lovely Ill Bell top right
Zooming in on the Kirkstone Inn. The road dropping down to the right is called The Struggle and goes to Ambleside
The Ill Bell range
Helvellyn from the tarn near Red Screes summit
Red Screes summit and the large shelter to the right
Helvellyn from the tarn
Red Screes trig point. Much of Middle Dodd is in the shadow of Red Screes 
Another view from the summit, this time towards Kirkstone Pass
The view down to the northern end of the Kirkstone Pass
Middle Dodd from Red Screes. Brotherswater beyond
There's a good mobile signal at the top, this person was having a lengthy chat. The Ill Bell range beyond

The northerly view

Middle Dodd summit cairn
Red Screes's shadow is in the valley below. Then Brotherswater and Place Fell beyond that
Looking back up Scandale
High Pike from near High Sweden Bridge