Scout Scar
The "Pilling Dick" walk.

Date 29/10/2016
Walk done by: Susan, Jed, Paul, Andy
Weather: Very misty with drizzle, warm
Distance 7.5 miles.
Started at: Kendal Railway Station.
Kendal Fell 650 ft
Cunswick Scar 679 ft
Scout Scar 771 ft


I met Susan at Chorley Railway Station and caught the 9.19 to Kendal, with Paul boarding at Preston. Arriving in Kendal at 10.15 we met Andy at the station and made our way to Kendal Town Hall. Andy and I bought a sausage roll each and Susan who had been out the evening before and was as unprepared as one could be, bought a sandwich for her lunch. Next was a stop for water - both Paul and Susan needed it and so Paul disappeared into a shop and took forever to get out of it.

Now at the Town Hall we began following Wainwright's route from his "Outlying Fells" book. Within five minutes we were in Kendal's Serpentine Woods

Taking a NW direction we made our way through the woods and across a golf course to reach Kettlewell Crag. From here we descended to a footbridge that crosses the A591 Kendal - Windermere road. From here it was about a mile to the top of Cunswick Scar which has a good sized cairn. We then descended to the edge of the scar where great views are to be had - but we didn't due to the mist/fog. As we were walking the scar such topics as Pilling Dick arose. Pilling Dick was an infamous Lancaster man - I wouldn't recommend googling him :-)

We stopped for lunch by an old oak tree (we didn't tie a ribbon), whose autumnal colour stood out in the eerie mist. From the tree we set off for Scout Scar. As we were making our way there Andy and I taught Paul how to distinguish the calls of pheasant and grouse, something he'll treasure and use in future.

After crossing a B road we began a short steep climb to the start of the scar. It was here that Andy and I proved to Paul that Tarn Hows was half way between Coniston and Amblside, he just wouldn't believe us!

When we were on the top the mist was still very dense making for eerie scenes and awful visibility, making it look like a war zone. It was here we discussed elephants' graveyards and turtle death beds.

From here we mad a long slow descent back to Kendal, with the mist clearing as we neared the end of the walk.

As we entered Kendal we said bye bye to Andy and we popped into the Riflemans Arms for a well earned pint. After a few more pubs we decided we'd better catch the last train available out of Kendal as all later ones appeared to have been cancelled. So we got of at Oxenholme and climbed the steep hill to the Railway pub and had a lovely meal before catching a train that Network Rail knew nothing about (giving us a time of a train that didn't exist)

See what you learn from a walk in the fells :-)

A thoroughly enjoyable walk



In Serpentine Woods



Summit of Cunswick Scar


The drop from Cunswick Scar



The oak tree where we stopped for lunch



The Mushroom - built in 1912



Andy approaches the Mushroom



Data and full instructions - though of no use to use today.



It would have been nice to see something ...but alas....


Andy, the proud owner of a waterproof and tearproof map ;-)  
The drop on Scout Scar  
It's just possible to make out Paul coming out of the gloom  




... and there he is .


Weird landscape. Trees with dark bark and trees with silvery bark  

Lifting mist revealed this



Not one of Kendal's better pubs, sticky tables, uncleared glasses, one beer, no atmosphere.



Oxenholme Station - gateway to the Lake District including Burneside


Susan looking at Paul, who is lookng at me, who is looking at Paul, on the train to Preston.  
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