Green Quarter Fell (Hollow Moor)

Date                   11/2/2017  

GREEN QUARTER FELL - this modest fell, though rarely visited, has one thing others lack - a perfectly balanced and lovely view of upper Kentmere, best seen from the path used in descent, that cries out for a camera.

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed and Harvey, Susan and Ruby, Sue and Jess, and Andy    
Weather:  Cold, dull, rain, and some snow showers    
Distance 4.25 miles    
Started at: Grid Ref. 46150410 - Green Quarter    
Hollow Moor 1394'    

The weather forecasts for Green Quarter ranged from dire to not good! So we decided we would set off and see how things were when we got there. So, Sue arrived at mine, then we picked up Susan and then on to J33 to meet Andy. Arriving at Kentmere Village Hall a little later than planned we discovered there was no parking spaces available. So we drove up a lane and found a place were we could park both cars. Togged up we set off, doing Wainwright's walk in reverse ie we did it clockwise. Personally I think it's better this way.

We set off in a light sleet, but nothing to worry about. Doing the walk this way means it is initially a steep start - however, the descent is nice and long and with no steep sections. So taking the path from the hamlet of Green Quarter to Longsleddale we began climbing immediately. Unfortunately the path off the Longsleddale to Hollow Moor is not marked on the map and we had some difficulty locating it. I don't think we did as we had to climb over a fence and a hundred yards further on we came to the stile we should have reached by the correct path - I think we turned too early, but it looked like others have done the same as there was a track made by others. Alternatively, we took the correct path and a gate across it had been locked, making us believe we were wrong, when actually we were not. Anyway we were soon back on track.

Soon we'd reached Hollow Moor which is the name of Green Quarter Fell's summit. A nice summit too with a triangular stone with what looks like button holes up it. Jess was convinced it was a person and stopped in her tracks and started barking at it. The summit offers good 360 degree views. However, It was too windy to stay there for lunch, though I gave Harvey 4 sausages as I knew he was ravenous. On the way down from the top we found an outcrop of rock which gave us some protection from the wind and we stopped for lunch there. The weather would not leave us in peace though and gave us a snow squall as we ate.

After lunch we set off and soon found the path to take us to our next target, an old ruin. We decided to omit the detour suggested by Wainwright due to the poor weather. After examining the old barn ruin we set off on the last section of the walk - around the southern end of Green Quarter Fell. As the path turns to the north the views are excellent. Soon we were back at the cars and decided to have a pint in the Beer Hall at Staveley, before making our way home.

A good walk enjoyed by all - especially the dogs, who could run free as there no sheep for 99.9% of the walk. Seeing the wild fell ponies was really nice too.

Not a great day for photography - but there are still some excellent photo's

Susan and Sue on the path we thought we should have been on. However, the gate was locked
Me plodding up towards Hollow Moor     Photo: Andy Poole
Looking up Kentmere, Wainwright's excellent view. Unfortunately, low cloud put pay to seeing the mountains of the Kentmere Horseshoe
As we climbed up to Hollow Moor these lovely fell ponies greeted us.
The fell ponies
The three dogs and the two Susans look at the ponies
Close up of the beautiful white mare
White and grey ponies     Photo: Andy Poole
Andy composes his shot
The ponies and Steggles Water on the right
Hollow Moor summit. Jess stops and is barking at what looks to her like Father Christmas, whilst Harvey and Ruby come back to see what's the matter
Harvey, Ruby and a distant Susan on Hollow Moor     Photo: Andy Poole
Andy composing a photo through one of the holes in the summit stone
The photo he took - very impressive too.     Photo: Andy Poole
Harvey, Jess and Susan on Hollow Moor     Photo: Andy Poole
CLICK HERE for a video of the dogs at the summit
Steggles Water from the top of Hollow Moor
Hollow Moor summit with Andy kneeling and Sue probably bewildered as to why Any is on his knees.
Jess, Harvey and Susan coming back to us as they don't trust Susan's navigational skills - great views from the top
Looking for a lunch spot as the snow begins to fall - me, Susan, Sue and Jess     Photo: Andy Poole
Lunchtime and time for a little tipple of port from Susan's new flask     Photo: Andy Poole
Harvey, patiently waits for his lunch     Photo: Andy Poole
Possibly my favourite photo of the day. Susan, me, Sue and Harvey settle down for lunch in a snow squall     Photo: Andy Poole
And after lunch we set off for the ruin - for right     Photo: Andy Poole
The ruin
Harvey exploring the old lean-to, which I'm sure has offered shelter to many in times of bad weather.     Ruby - Photo: Andy Poole
And through the square window ...... a tree
Susan and Sue explore the old lean-to
Tree near the ruin - Photo: Andy Poole .     Jess has a good sniff of a sheep's skull - Photo: Andy Poole
Looking back at the old barn, as the weather briefly improves
Harvey has a drink of nice clean cold water .     Photo: Andy Poole
The view to Kentmere, which would have been so much better if the cloud wasn't so low. On the left are the three steep ridges of Yoke, Ill Bell and Froswick
On the left are the three steep ridges of Yoke, Ill Bell and Froswick disappearing into the cloud
Through the gate and this view gives a glimpse of what's to come     Photo: Andy Poole
A lovely old green lane leads us down to Green Quarter     Photo: Andy Poole
Ruby and Jess on the green lane
Susan heads for Kentmere
Susan, Ruby, Jess, Sue and Harvey heading to Green Quarter - this is Wainwright's path of ascent - our path of descent)
Susan leads me towards Green Quarter     Photo: Andy Poole
Harvey enjoying his lucky find - a delicious sheep's horn
And then we were back at the cars

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