Langdale Pikes

(Loft Crag, Pike o' Stickle, Harrison Stickle, Thunacar Knott & Pavey Ark)


Date                   11/9/2004  

The Langdale Pikes are variously regarded as being from two to five in number

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Pam, Susan and Paul    
Weather:  Overcast. Very windy. Drizzle at times and heavy rain for the last 2 hours of the day    
Distance 6 miles    
Started at: New Dungeon Ghyll    
Loft Crag 2238'  
Pike o' Stickle 2326'  
Harrison Stickle 2414'  
Thunacar Knott 2372'  
Pavey Ark 2297'  


Looking up Stickle Ghyll at the start of the walk
About to cross Dungeon Ghyll - Susan followed by Paul and then Pam
Susan and Pam crossing Dungeon Ghyll
Some height gained now. Looking along Langdale valley
Looking across the valley to Pike of Blisco from above Raven Crags
Side Pike with Blea Tarn beyond
Paul and Pam take a breather - for it's quite a steep climb to begin with
Dungeon Ghyll and Harrison Stickle to the right
Lunch time
Then its the steep ascent to Loft Crag
....and still we climb
First sight of the summit
Thorn Crag
Blea Tarn from near Loft Crag summit
Lingmoor Fell beneath heavy rain clouds
Susan, Pam and Paul take another breather
At last - Loft Crag summit
Pike o' Stickle from Loft Crag
...and approaching Pike o' Stickle
Slightly blurred, but at least slightly happy too. The weather was making this walk tough
Looking back to Loft Crag
Pike of Stickle summit with Loft Crag beyond
Looking down on Mickledon
Paul on Pike o' Stickle
Stickle Tarn from the ascent of Harrison Stickle
Harrison Stickle summit
Paul and Susan on Harrison Stickle summit
Paul, Susan and Pam on Thunacar Knott summit
Paul, Susan and Pam on Thunacar Knott summit
Stickle Tarn from Pavey Ark summit