Little Hart Crag & High Hartsop Dodd

Date                   2/7/2005  

LITTLE HART CRAG - it has individuality and an interesting double summit which commands delightful views of Scandale and Dovedale.

A. Wainwright

HIGH HARTSOP DODD - a fine view down the ridge to Brotherswater (author)

Walks done by: Jed, Susan, Chris, Pat, Eunice, Shirley, Gill, Jessica, Tom, Max and Andrew    
Weather:  Overcast, showers, becoming brighter late afternoon    
Distance 4.5 miles    
Started at: Sykeside Camp Site, Brotherswater.    
Little Hart Crag 2091'  
High Hartsop Dodd 1702'  


This walk was part of a weekends camping trip. Susan had asked me to arrange a walk, but for people who had done little fell walking. So I decided on the above walk as it is short and not to steep on the ascent. What I didn't realise was that most of the participants were more suited to a WI meeting ;-)

So, off we went - making our way towards Hartsop Hall which is a lovely old Lakeland building. After passing the foot of HIgh Hartsop Dodd we began the climb along Caiston Glen. Half way along Eunice fell after losing her balance after unsuccessfully trying to put a heavy toffee wrapper in her pocket. A few hundred yards further on she fell again. I was a tad worried by now because I knew that the steepest part was still to come. However, no further incidents occurred on the climb to the col on Scandale Pass, except for the odd humorous remark from Shirley. As we were climbing the steep section she said, "Jed, I have only met you once and I don't want to meet you again". I got my own back a little further up the slope. Shirley - whose hair looked like one of those dark curly lettuce said, "You wouldn't believe I used straighteners this morning". "No I don't" I said laughing aloud.

From the col we turned right and followed a wall towards Little Hart Crag. By now we were in thick mist and having to navigate by using compass bearings. The inexperienced walkers in the party, Gill, Shirley, Pat and Eunice and the children, were beginning to struggle with the constant climbing and so to cheer them all up I said, "There's only another two hundred feet to go." Susan said, "I don't think it means much to them. Give them a distance from one shop to somewhere else". "OK", says I, "its like from my house to Wheelton Chippy." To which Shirley retorted, "Where do you bloody live? - Manchester". She's a wag. Shortly after that remark we reached Little Hart Crag summit. Its the first time Pat has been that high for twenty years without the assistance of Rolls Royce engines!!

The mist was thick, and so after a brief rest we started the descent to High Hartsop Dodd. After descending a couple of hundred feet we were suddenly out of the clouds and had great views at last. The ridge walk is easy going until reaching the wall at Bell Knott. The descent from here is very steep. After a rest at the wall - and waving to the lads in the pub at Brotherswater, we set off on the long slow descent. Myself and Gill staying with Pat to give her support down as she had hurt her ankle earlier in the walk. Eventually we reached the campsite and headed straight for the pub. Those lagers were superb - all three of them. As we drank we looked across to the splendid ridge of High Hartsop Dodd. Pat, Eunice Gill and Shirley couldn't believe what they had accomplished. Special mention must be made to Pat and Eunice, both in their sixties, they did remarkably well to do what they did. Brilliant.

One other event took place during the night. A very fierce storm blew up at around 1.30 am. It completely destroyed a tent behind me, the occupants having to spend the night in their car. It also tore Kev and Gills tent, but with the help of four or five people they managed to stop it being blown away. Me - I slept through it all.

High Hartsop Dodd from near Hartsop Hall
Crossing a stream - Pat struggles on to the bank
Walking up Caiston Glen. Low cloud awaits us.
Mother and daughter. Mother making it look easy
Shirley (who unbelievably had used hair straighteners earlier), and Pat watch on as Eunice takes another tumble
Susan, Gill and Chris by Caiston Beck
The weather on Little Hart Crag was poor. Here Eunice and Pat wonder if they'll ever collect another Old Age Pension
Leaving Little Hart Crag for High Hartsop Dodd
Heading in to the mist - visibility was poor and we had to stay close together
..and suddenly we were out of the cloud and treated to some fine views at last (which I think Shirley appreciated)
Gill, Pat and Eunice coming out of the cloud, descending from Little Hart Crag.
The view down the ridge to Place Fell and Angletarn Pikes (both with their tops in cloud)
The children sit together and wait for us to catch up
High Hartsop Dodd summit
The superb view from Bell Knott
Our camp site from Bell Knott
Panorama from Bell Knott
Looking down the ridge - traces of an ancient settlement can be seen in the first field
Looking back along the steep descent
And a well earned drink at the Brotherswater pub
Chris looks on as Shirley does "The Shirley shuffle"
The following day I did a short walk from the campsite to Brotherswater
Brotherswater and the ridge to Caudale Moor beyond
Brotherswater and the ridge to Caudale Moor beyond
High Hartsopp Dodd
Angletarn Pikes from the shore
Sunlight briefly brightened the path along the shore
Hartsop Hall
Brotherswater and Angletarn Pikes from the track between the Hall and the campsite