Raise, White Side, Lower Man and Helvellyn


RAISE - deserves a special cheer. It is the only summit in the Helvellyn range adorned with a crown of rough rocks

WHITE SIDE - The summit is no more than a big grassy mound - skiers and sheep share a high regard for White Side

LOWER MAN - half a mile northwest of the principal top, it occupies a key position on the main ridge, which here changes its direction subtly and unobtrusively

HELVELLYN - There is some quality about Helvellyn which endears it in the memory of most people who have stood on its breezy top; although it can be a grim place indeed on a wild night, it is, as a rule a very friendly giant

A. Wainwright

Date                   19/2/2005    
Walks done by: Jed and Susan    
Weather:  Sunny to start. becoming overcast. Snow at times. Very very cold    
Distance 7 miles    
Started at: Stanah
Raise 2889'
White Side 2832'    
Lower Man 3035'    
Helvellyn 3118'    

Leaving Stanah we made the immediate and very steep ascent towards Sticks Pass with Stanah Gill to our left. After reaching a sheepfold the gradient began to ease off somewhat, although it was too late to ease the problems Susan was having after the earlier bacon butty from a road side seller, (Paul and I have already suffered at this sellers hands before). Soon we arrived at Sticks Pass col and turned right to make the short ascent to Raise summit. There was a crowd near the Ski Lift but there was not enough snow for them to be skiing. Raise was soon reached and then we began the descent and climb to White Side.

From White Side considerable height is lost before the long, but pleasant ascent up Lower Man begins. From Lower Man the climb to Helvellyn is easy. Our return route was back over Lower Man and down to the col between Lower Man and White Side and then taking a little used path down to Brown Crags and then the final steep descent to Stanah


The start of the walk with the steep ascent to the right of Stanah Gill and along the right hand skyline. The metal fence protects a water race
Thirlmere reservoir comes into view as we gain height
Skiddaw from the lower slopes
The steepest part is over as Stybarrow Dodd comes in to view
This is the reason why people fell walk. The glorious views north to Skiddaw and the Northwestern fells
This penguin wouldn't smile for love nor money!!
Having reached Sticks Pass Ullswater to the east came into view
The view from Raise to lower Man and Helvellyn 
Susan on Raise summit
White Side and Little Man from Raise
Susan in snow on the slopes of White Side
The Vale of Keswick, the Solway Firth and Criffel from White Side
Me on White Side with Helvellyn to my right
The view to Lower Man and Helvellyn from the lower slopes of White Side
And Helvellyn from the same spot
Catstye Cam
Looking back down the ridge of Lower Man
Morecambe Bay from Lower Man
Susan and the view north to Skiddaw from Lower Man summit
Thirlmere and Bassenthwaite from Lower Man
This intrepid sole was descendind the very steep drop down to Brown Cove
Red Tarn and Striding Edge from Helvellyn
Helvellyn summit
Susan on the summit with the Coniston Fells and Morecambe Bay beyond
Susan at Helvellyn's trig point
Me at the same place
Susan descending to Thirlmere - and it's just starting to snow
Nearly down - this is the view northwards to Skiddaw
Blencathra comes in to view as we descend
Waterfall near the foot of Helvellyn Gill
Fast flowing water and icicles
And back at Stanah - Susan with this tiny pony, which later tried to eat her coat.