Seat Sandal, Dollywaggon Pike, Nethermost Pike, Helvellyn & Lower Man


SEAT SANDAL - is a simple straightforward fell, uninteresting except as a viewpoint

DOLLYWAGGON PIKE - The view is extensive in most directions but restricted in the north and south east by neighbouring fells of greater altitude. Westwards, the panorama is excellent

NETHERMOST PIKE - from the east it is magnificent

LOWER MAN - half a mile northwest of the principal top, it occupies a key position on the main ridge, which here changes its direction subtly and unobtrusively

HELVELLYN - There is some quality about Helvellyn which endears it in the memory of most people who have stood on its breezy top; although it can be a grim place indeed on a wild night, it is, as a rule a very friendly giant

A. Wainwright

Date                   24/9/2002    
Walks done by: Jed    
Weather:  A superb day. Hot     
Distance 9 miles    
Started at: Dunmail Raise Lay-by 
Seat Sandal 2415'
Dollywaggon Pike 2810'    
Nethermost Pike 2920'    
Helvellyn 3118'
Lower Man 3035'

Helm Crag from the foot of Raise Beck on Dunmail Raise
Half way up Raise Beck - it's quite a steep climb here
Grisedale Tarn
Looking up to Seat Sandal
Dollywaggon Pike from Seat Sandal
St Sunday Crag from Seat Sandal
Seat Sandal summit. I met Anne Bowker MBE here today Her excellent site, which I learned so much from and used it to plan my routes is called Mad about Mountains but it doesn't appear to be updated any more (2017). A very nice lady who told me I was only the second person to recognise her on the fells
Another view of Grisedale Tarn. This time from Seat Sandal
Looking down Grisedale
This post is marked on OS maps and is SE of Dollywaggon Pike.
Dollywaggon Pike summit. Place Fell and Ullswater are beyond. Great views
High Crag from Dollywaggon Pike
The first glimpse of Striding Edge
High Crag summit
Views out to the west - Great Gable is in the centre
Nethermost Pike from High Crag
Another view down Grisedale
Nethermost Pike summit
..and a close up.
Striding Edge
Another view of Striding Edge - this time nearer to Helvellyn
Red Tarn from Helvellyn
Helvellyn summit
Swirral Edge and Catstye Cam with Ullswater in the distance
Skiddaw and Blencathra in the distance
Catstye Cam
Ullswater in the distance
The path north towards Raise from Lower Man
Me - on Lower Man
Monument near Helvellyn summit
Looking back to Helvellyn from the path to Birk Side
A herdwick - the sheep of the Lake District
Thirlmere - from Birk Side