

HAYSTACKS - for beauty, variety and interesting detail, for sheer fascination and unique individuality, the summit area of Haystacks is supreme. This is in facy the best fell top of all - a place of great charm and fairyland attractiveness

A. Wainwright

Jed, Pam, Susan and Paul        
Dry and chilly. Low cloud till mid afternoon. Very occasional sunshine        
6 miles        
Lay-by alongside Kirk Close, Buttermere        

We made and early start for this walk as the days are still short and we had a long drive to Buttermere. We made excellent time to Keswick arriving around 9.40. We needn't have bothered. Firstly we did the cafe breakfast, and then Susan decided to buy some new boots, with my money!!

Eventually we set off for Buttermere, arriving at 11.30 and by the time we had got ready it was near noon when we set forth. As we approached Gatesgarth Farm we saw the white cross on the path up Fleetwith Pike erected in memory of Fanny Mercer who died in an accident descending the fell in 1887 (130 years ago). It's been over 4 months since we have walked seriously and once we started the climb to Scarth Gap we knew it had been a while. As we approached the col we stopped and had lunch. Pam took a very large stainless steel flask out of her rucksack, and when Paul saw it, he asked if it had been converted from an old artillary shell! We then made our way to the summit and the sun came out for the first time. We had intended to go to Fleetwith Pike and descend by its ridge, however, after having a nice hot chocolate from Pams naval shell in Dubs hut we decided it would be safer to descend by the path alongside Warnscale Beck.

Finally we arrived back and after loading the rucksacks in the car we decided we would drive to The Kirkstile Inn at Loweswaterwhere we had a superb meal and superb beer. Then we set off on the 100 mile+ journey home.


The cafe in Keswick - this is when we started to lose time
The view of the Moot Hall from the cafe
Lovely new boots    
Pathetically dirty boots - the boots on the left were new here
As we set off, this is the view of Fleetwith Pike's ridge we got
...and this is the view we got of Hay Stacks
This is Buttermere with the rugged Hay Stacks beyond
Another lovely view of lake and mountain
Fanny Mercer's memorial cross
Buttermere, from Peggy's Bridge
Pam and Susan on the ascent to Scarth Gap
Pam looks right, Paul looks left, Susan looks up, and Haystacks awaits us
Looking down the trod to Buttermere
Lunchtime. Paul with ludicrous hat, gets his sandwiches out. Meanwhile Susan has quickly removed what she calls her muff, from over her face. She is paranoid about appearing in "The Lost Sheep" again. I should explain that her muff can be worn as a neckerchief or a hat.
The view from our lunch spot
Ahhh!! Here is the flask that Paul said was converted from an artillery shell

Happy times. By the way, Paul doesn't have a wooden leg - thats the handle of my walking pole!

Mention should also be made to Paul's colour co-ordination skills, very few people can pull off wearing hoops, tartan, stripes, diaganol stripes and red gloves. Unfortunately Paul isn't one of them either!! Still - he's happy!

Looking down to Buttermere from the final climb to the summit
Susan and Pam on the rock section
Nearing the top now. Buttermere and Crummock Water provide the backdrop
Fleetwith Pike from near Big Stack
The summit tarn and walkers on the true summit
The secondary summit of Hay Stacks
The sun came out to provide this atmospheric view over to Looking Stead
A photo that's ideal for a caption competition. As it is Paul is enjoying himself.
Pammy on Hay Stack's summit
Blackbeck Tarn with Grey Knotts (l) and Brandreth (r) in the distance
Pam, Paul and Susan across Blackbeck Tarn
Looking over to Buttermere and Crummock Water from Green Crag
Hay Stacks from Dubs Hut
Inside Dubs Hut    
Two views from the path we used to descend
Zooming in on Buttermere and Crummock Water
Zooming in on Buttermere and Crummock Water
At the Kirkstile Inn    

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