Harter Fell

Date                   26/4/2008  

HARTER FELL - the northern face is the fell's chief glory, for here too, a shelf cradles Small Water, which is the finest of Lakeland tarns in the opinion of many qualified to judge.

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed,Susan, Paul and Troy    
Weather:  Dry to start with but heavy rain from midday. Very windy in exposed places    
Distance 6 miles    
Started at: Sadgill, Longsleddale    
Great Mell Fell 2539'  

It was fine as we left Leyland at 8.00, but I'd seen the forecast and it was not a good one for Cumbria. And so it proved. We made good time to Sadgill arriving around 9.30 - but unlike our last walk, it was not raining as we set forth!

It's quite a walk along the valley floor before the steepish climb begins and the track zig zags up towards Wrengill Quarry. Troy was loving it as he had been off the lead all the way to the quarry, but then he was put on a lead as several sheep grazed in the flattish area known as Brownhowe Bottom. However, he was soon off again and we made the final steep push to the top of Gatescarth Pass. At the top we turned left and began the final climb to Harter Fell's eerie summit. Suddenly to our right wonderful views of Haweswater opened up, unfortunately so did the rain and wind. It became bitterly cold. Going in my rucksack for Troy's coat I realised I'd left it in the car. We carried on for 2 minutes then Troy really began to feel the effects as he has a very thin coat. He was shivering and whimpering so I told Paul and Susan to carry on and I would return to the car and get Troy out of the severe weather. After five minutes or so as Haweswater disappeared from view, Troy and I were at least more sheltered, and the wind died down and the rain eased considerably. Susan and Paul reached the summit in awful weather with little or no visibility and then made their way back along the same route. Troy and I got back an hour before them and we put the car heater on and had lunch and a cuddle.

As has so often happened, as we drove home the weather turned sunny as we reached Lancashire, where we were told it had been a lovely sunny day. Oh well better luck next time I hope

Sadgill - bathed in sunshine as we set off
Susan, Paul and Troy begin the long walk along the old quarry track
Looking up the valley towards Gatescarth Pass
...and looking back towards Sadgill
Looking back to Goat Scar from near Wrengill Quarry
First view of Haweswater - with the rain coming in
Another view a few hundred yards later. It was here that I turned and took Troy back.

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