Gurnal Dubs

Date                   15/3/2008  

This walk was done to celebrate my 50th birthday and so it was not a long walk as we had to accomodate a few drinks and a meal

Walks done by: Susan, Jed, Paul, Pam, Chris & Marion    
Weather:  Dull and dry    
Distance 5 miles.    
Started at: Staveley Railway Station    
Other walks to Gurnal Dubs:   Potter Fell    


Marion changes footwear before setting off
We passed the weir as we made our way to Craggy Plantation
Pam, Marion and Susan make their way past the free range hens towards the steep climb to Craggy Plantation
Looking up the Kentmere valley
The stile into Craggy Plantation. It was here that Marion slipped and got her hand covered in things.
Leaves still around from autumn adding some colour
Moody weather in Kentmere
Brightening up a bit now
The farm cat at Frost Hole
The lovely farm yard at Frost Hole
Harvey and Ruby crossing the marshy section
Frost Hole
Climbing out of Frost Hole to Potter Tarn.
Approaching the top of the slope where Potter Tarn would be visible
Marion and Pam approaching Potter Tarn
Paul on the damn overflow
Chris dancing with Susan, though I'm sure it wasn't a quick step!
Arriving at Gurnal Dubs, where we had lunch
Then it was time to head back for a well earned drink
Susan just loves big tyres - so here she can hardly contain her excitement being stood between two of them
Then our path took us along the bank of the River Kent through Cockshot Wood
The church tower in Staveley
We didn't go in Wilf's today as the beer hall was calling us
Susan and Chris on the comfy sofas
Meanwhile Paul perches close by
Susan and Chris
The excellent path back to Aira Force as the light fades
Chillin and having a great day
Me snatching the card away from Pam so we could get a pic of her with Paul's specs on
Paul relaxing

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