Grisedale Pike and Hopegill Head.

Date                   3/3/2007  

GRISEDALE PIKE - conspicuously in view from the environs of Keswick, it is one of those fells that compels attention by reason of shapeliness and height

HOPEGILL HEAD - the summit is a generous reward for the effort of reaching it. It is a delightful top


Walks done by: Jed, Troy, Susan and Lesley    
Weather:  Sunny spells, chilly at times. Occasional low cloud but good views    
Distance 9.5 miles    
Started at: Braithwaite    
Grisedale Pike 2593'      
Hopegill Head 2525'      

We all met at the Dressers at Wheelton at 8am. Troy was hesitant about getting in a strange car but was fine once I'd lifted him in. And then we were off, speeding up the M6 heading for Braithwaite. After the late start to our previous walk we made amends this time and had parked up in Braithwaite and on our way by 10.10.

After half a mile I realised we had taken a wrong path and so we took the decision to climb the steep, very steep slope to meet the path on the ridge to Kinn. Hell, it was hard work, however, Lesly and Troy had no problem with it at all, but eventually we made it and reached the grassy path. There isnt much level walking to the summit of Grisedale Pike, but nothing that followed was as bad as that first climb. After getting our breath back on the slight descent from Kinn, we began the climb to Sleet How. There are some erosion barriers on this section and we had a brief rest at each one, which made the climb feel a bit easier than it actually is. There is a flattish section on Sleet How before the final steep and rocky climb/scramble to the summit.This was Troys first mountain walk and he loved it and behaved really well. He climbed the rocky sections with ease too. This could be the first of many walks for him. As for the rest of us, to be honest we did the last section with ease too. The views were superb. After taking a couple of photo's at the summit we decided to continue across to Hopegill Head.

It was very windy on the top and we took refuge in an old shelter and had our lunch. Troy had sausages which he devoured, and would have liked some of Susan's roast beef - but none was forthcoming!! Share and share alike is our motto. So after we had finished the sandwiches I passed a Curly Wurly to Susan and Lesley. Lesley devoured hers - some two hours later she realised she'd given chocolate up for Lent - oh well - off to confession for Lesley!! After lunch we did the walk along Hobcarton Crag and the final 350 ft climb to Hopegill Head where again we enjoyed fabulous views. After 10 minutes there we headed off towards Sand Hill and on down to Coledale Hause. From there we took the mine road back to Braithwaite. We had drinks, and Troy a bowl of water and a bag of crisps in the pleasant and dog friendly Coledale Arms. Troy also enjoyed the attention of many of the patrons.

We then set off for home, me and Troy falling asleep on the motorway section. So thanks to Susan and Lesley and Troy for their company. It was a really great day.

Looking down the steep slope we climbed at the start of the walk
...and still this to climb
Looking back over Braithwaite and Keswick
Susan and Lesley on the grassy path to Kinn's top
The Vale of Keswick
Grisedale Pike from Kinn. Thankfully the rain cloud had cleared when we reached the summit
The path up to Sleet How and then the final path to the summit
The pitted and steep path up to Sleet How
Lesley and Susan. The path along Kinn's ridge behind them
Grisedale Pike - at this point we thought we'd seen the last of the sunshine
The steep and rocky path to the summit - the people on it giving some idea of scale
Troy on the last section to the top
Susan, Troy and Lesley begin the climb
Preaching? No, just admiring the spectacular views

Looking down on the path along Sleet How

Lesley and Susan nearing the summit
Troy spots the summit cairn
Lesley and Susan with the Vale of Keswick way below
Grisedale Pike summit     Me, Susan and Lesley on Grisedale Pike summit
Hopegill Head from the slopes of Grisedale Pike
Looking down to Force Crag. The mine road beyond was to be our path of descent
Troy admiring the view.
Looking back to Barrow and Derwent Water
Looking back along the ridge to Grisedale Pike from Hobcarton Crag
Troy on his second summit
The path from Hopegill Head to Sand Hill
...and looking down Sand Hill to Coledale Hause
Troy on the slopes of Sand Hill
Looking down Coledale
Stile End
Troy, Susan & Lesley cross the beck crossing the mine road above Force Crag mine.
Force Crag Mine
Looking back to Force Crag
Susan and Lesley amble along the mine road back to Braithwaite chin wagging about things I couldn't guess at!!

Meanwhile I was picturing a pint of lager on the bar with condensation running down the side of the the Coledale Hotel

..and Troy was too!! Although he only got a bowl of water and a bag of Seabrook Ready salted crisps on the house
Clough Head from the mine road as we approached Braithwaite

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