Gowbarrow Fell & Little Mell Fell

Date                   19/11/2011  

GOWBARROW FELL - the delightful lower slopes are beautifully wooded, but low crags and bracken in abundance make them rather difficult to access except where they are traversed by the many pleasant green paths which add so much to Gowbarrow's charms.

LITTLE MELL FELL - it is an uninspiring, unattractive, bare and rounded hump

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Susan, Jed, Paul, Harvey and Ruby    
Weather:  Dull and dry but improving to finish in sunshine    
Distance 8.5 miles. 2550ft of ascent    
Started at: Aira Force Car Park    
Gowbarrow Fell 1579'  
Little Mell Fell 1657'  

An early start for this walk. Jed drove, and picked Susan up and then Paul. We were on the Motorway by 7.45. After an uneventful journey up the M6 and we had parked up by 9.45 on the Aira Force NT car park.

This was our first walk in the Lakes for almost a year and so we didn't want too strenuous a walk. But although this walk was never above 1700 ft, we actually climbed over 2500ft, not far short of our last walk up Bow Fell. No wonder we were tired by the time we got back to the car!!

In all we scaled 6 summits, two of which were Wainwright's. This walk is a beauty, with so many varied landscapes. The path back above Swinburns Park is fantastic, giving wonderful elevated views over Ullswater. Wainwright may not have liked Little Mell Fell - but we did and it also has good views too.

Paul catching us up as we had left the map in the car
Harvey and Ruby on the path to Aira Force     Aira Force
Susan on the path by Aira Force     This is taken from near the bridge in the photo above
Looking down on Aira Force
Soon after leaving the woods around Aira Force this wonderful view greets us
Susan (and two hikers) are nearing Green Hill summit
Ullswater and St Sunday Crag in cloud, from Green Hill
View to the South west from Green Hill
Clouds remained all day over the fells to the south of us, whilst we were treated to some sunny spells.
Paul and Susan on Green Hill summit
The view to our next destination, Gowbarrow Fell
Harvey and Ruby crossing the marshy section
A crow on the trig point on Gowbarrow Fell
Gowbarrow summit. The hill far right, Little Mell Fell, our destination.
Paul and Susan make the tricky descent from Gowbarrow, cleverly avoiding the easy path to their right!!
Harvey and Ruby race off towards Little Mell Fell
Looking back to Gowbarrow Fell. Our next destination was Great Meldrum
Loving every minute
Ullswater from the path to Great Meldrum
Gowbarrow from the slopes of Great Meldrum. From here we went on to climb Little Meldrum and Watermillock Fell
Susan and Paul leaving Watermillock Fell and descending to The Hause. Our last objective is ahead - Little Mell Fell
Paul on the steep slope to the summit
As Paul continues to climb, Harvey takes in the views whilst he waits for us to catch up
Ruby, Harvey and Paul having a frolic on Little Mell Fell
Kindly taken by a man from Wigan, here are all of us by the Trig Point on Little Mell Fell's summit
Harvey and Ruby race down the fell
Watermillock Churh from the path through Swinburns Park
Almost sunset
The excellent path back to Aira Force as the light fades
Last look at Ullswater as we make our way backthe car
A great walk on a lovely November day

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