Dow Crag

Date                   5/12/2004  

DOW CRAG - count this amongst the most delectable and exhilarating of Lakeland summits


A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Paul Pam and Tony    
Weather:  Overcast. Very cold and very windy. Drizzle on higher ground     
Distance 9 miles.    
Started at: Torver    
Dow Crag 2552'  

Leaving Torver this walk took us through Scarr Head Camp site and along the track to Goats Water and up to Goats Hause. From there we climbed to Dow Crag and descended over the lesser summits of Buck Pike, Brown Pike, Walna Scar and White Maiden. Due to the severe weather we retraced our steps to the Walna Scar road and descended safely back to Torver. This walk should have revealed some great views - but produced none. However, it was still a very enjoyable day.

Looking towards The Old Man of Coniston shortly after passing Scarr Head camp site
The path through the lower quarry
...and looking to more quarrying activity
Flooded quarry
This is the reason why Walna Scar road and others in the district are being ruined. Here the road is in poor condition, however, further along it is in a dire state and mainly due to the likes of vehicles like this
Tony and low cloud at Goats Water
Looking back to fine weather - it never made it to our area though 
Conditions got colder and wetter, and the wind got stronger as we started the ascent to Dow Crag.
The very strong wind made hearing all but impossible
Visibility was poor too as we approached the summit
Pam has lunch just below the summit
Paul has a coffee from his Tesco flask which he says, "has seen action".
Tony, sat below the summit. Here he does a fine hamster impersonation with his cheese butty. Below him is a long drop down to Goats Water

Having a break on Brown Pike

And finally a view of Coniston Water as we descend the Walna Scar Road and come out of the low cloud
Evening light as we near Cove Bridge
Cove Bridge
Tony. Pam and Paul
Cove Bridge
Last light