Catbells and Maiden Moor

Date                   5/10/2008  

CATBELLS - there is beauty everywhere, and nothing but beauty'


A. Wainwright

Walk done to: Raise money for the Royal Preston Hospital Neurological Dept. as a thank you for the service given to our colleague Marian     
Weather:  Beautiful.    
Distance 8 miles.    
Started at: Hawes End    
Catbells 1480'  
Maiden Moor 1887'  

This walk was done by 13 colleagues, family and friends to raise money for the above hospital. For many on this walk, it was their first experience of fell walking. The party had 4 children ranging from aged 6 to 12 and they were fantastic.

For an experianced walker it's considered one of the easier walks, for novices it is the perfect fell to gain experience. Its steep start, its superb ridge, followed by paths above steep slopes and some scrambling near the summit make this an ideal fell to introduce them to the delights of fell walking. However, slips and falls can happen to anyone and 13 turned out to be unlucky for one of our party, as Pam slipped on the very steep descent from Hause Gate. Thankfully after a check over at Kendal Hospital, no bones were broken, and so she limped into work a little late on Monday morning.

Our party begin the steep climb right at the start of the walk
Hana and Emma with Causey Pike behind.
Taking a rest, there's more to climb yet
Already the views have opened up. A stop for water is also needed
On the zig zag path engineered by Sir John Woodford. The steepness and height gain clearly shown
Plaque on the lower slopes dedicated to Thomas Arthur Leonard
The first false summit - it's been steep and we have only walked half a mile!
Nearing the top of the false summit the true top comes into view beyond
Billy, with Hana and Sue behind
Billy on the superb ridge and the final slope to the summit beyond
The view looking back from the lower section of the summit climb. The Skiddaw massive is in the distance
Our party start the assault on the summit, top right of photo.
Billy with the beautiful Newlands Valley behind.
Almost there, as Andrew and Sue take a breather....
..... and Pam smiles for the camera, whilst husband Paul takes in the with the fantastic views over Derwent Water.
The ridge (taken from near Catbells summit)
Done it. Billy, Pam, Emma, Jamie and Sue atop Catbells...
....whilst Hana and Naeem take the final few steps to get there.
Emma, Jamie and Sue on Catbells summit
The happy party on the top
Looking across Newlands Valley to Ard Crags and Causey Pike
Zooming in on a ferry from Catbells summit. This was meant to be our transport home - but too much water in the lake meant that the landing stages were under water and so there was to be no ride home for us this time.
Naeem, Hana, Sue and Jamie start the descent from Catbells as a man devours an unhealthy bag of crisps
Our party approaching Hause Gate and the path up to Maiden Moor
Derwentwater from Hause Gate
The flooded fields in front of the Lodore Hotel - taken from Hause Gate
Looking back to Catbells from the lower slopes of Maiden Moor
A nice level stretch - but our group have to negotiate a wet section of the path
Looking back to the Catbells summit, its ridge and Skiddaw in the distance
Troy pulls Emma, as he did all day whilst on the lead - no wonder she had stiff legs on monday!!
A view from Maiden Moor shows the steepness and height gained
Mine workings down below us in the Newlands Valley
Looking back to Catbells and the Skiddaw massive
Andrew atop Maiden Moor
Making our way to Hause Gate
The start of the descent from Maiden Moor to Hause Gate
Emma and Troy before the descent to Hause Gate. I would just like to thank Emma for looking after Troy for most of the day. It was nice to have my arm at an angle other than 45 degrees on a walk
Hana and Sue with Derwent Water behind
Pam waits as Emma puts the lead on Troy
Beautiful views of Derwentwater and the fells beyond
Making our way down to Hause Gate
Troy returns from an inquisitive foray
The steep descent from Hause Gate
Concentration - as Jamie makes the final part of the descent
Billy, Naeem and Jamie on a rock pinnacle
Hana and Sue descend with concentration showing.
Andrew has a moment, and takes in the scenery as he patiently waits for everyone to make the descent
We had intended catching a launch but as they weren't picking up - we walked back along the lakeside path, which in itself offers spectacular views , as this view to Blencathra shows

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