
Date                   10/02/2002  

CATBELLS - words cannot adequately describe the rare charm of Catbells, nor its ravishing view.

It has a bold "come hither" look that compels one's steps, and no suitor ever returns disappointed, but only looking back often.

A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Susan & Jessica, Pam, Gill & Megan, Tony    
Weather:  Dry to start - heavy piercing rain later. Very windy and cold    
Distance 5 miles.    
Started at: Hawes End    
Catbells 1480'  

This was the walk that got me back on the fells after a gap of 25 years and got others on the fells for the first time, and gave them a love for fell walking that they have to this day. Even the awful weather didn't deter us, it simply made us go out and buy better clothing for next time. And it taught us to have some spare clothing to change in to afterwards.

Getting ready for the walk at the car park at Hawes End.
The view across to Skiddaw as we finish the climb up Skelgill Bank. Derwentwater just visible
Looking north to Swineside
The steep section, with Derwentwater behind
Another view northwards as height is gained, and Bass Lake can be seen in the distance
Susan with the Newlands Valley as a backdrop
Group photo on the slope to Catbells. From here on the weather got worse
The final leg of the ascent to the summit
First the strong gusts came ....
...... and the rain clouds are approaching - Pam does a rain dance
Taken from near the summit. Bass Lake (left), Derwentwater (right) and Skiddaw in the distance
Looking across Derwentwater to Blencathra
The Grange road at the foot of the fell
It threw it down after we reached Catbell and Maiden Moor was as far as we got. The above photo shows us taking shelter as we wait for our lift