Castle Crag & Millican Dalton's Cave

Date                   9/5/2016  

CASTLE CRAG - "Don't !! Waste words, jump to conclusions"


Millican Dalton - Adventurer (& resident in Millican's Cave)

Walks done by: Jed, Paul E, Andy & Harvey    
Weather:  Dry to start, heavy rain at summit, then dry    
Distance 4.5 miles.    
Started at: Parking spot near the bridge at Grange    
Castle Crag 951'    


The aim of this walk was to explore Millican Dalton's cave. Dalton was a man who, for a time between the two world wars lived in a cave on Castle Crag. We intended finding his cave!

I met Andy and Paul at a lay-by very close to M6 Junction 33. From there we drove to Borrowdale. We parked up just before the bridge at Grange and started our walk from there. There had been heavy rai and the river had earlier flooded so the river side path was not passable. The weather was dry but very dull and dank as we entered Grange. We decided to climb the summit first before descending to find and explore Dalton's Cave. With hindsight it would have been far better doing it the other way round; for as we reached the slate section to gain access to the summit, the heavens opoened and we got thoroughly drenched - even with waterproofs on. After we left the summit and eventually found his cave the rain stopped!! Typical.

Dalton's cave is not impressive. It has two levels, the higher of which he called "the attic", and it was here he slept. It is very open. The lower and larger cave is large, dark and damp. Not a place to linger. The cave has two openings, both large and therefore the cave could never retain any warm.

Leaving the cave we stepped into lovely sunshine and dried out as we made our way back to Grange. On the way home we stopped off at the Sportsman's Inn for a well earned beer.

An enjoyable walk that the rain couldn't ruin.

Castle Crag from the bridge at Grange
Castle Crag from the lane to the campsite
Harvey scales a dry stone wall for a glimpse of the crag
Harvey comes out of the beautiful River Derwent
River Derwent
In Dalt Wood
Blue skies above Castle Crag gave us false hope
Harvey with the stone he'd carried from the river (photo; A. Poole)
Looking back along the track we'd come along. Derwentwater is in the distance
Harvey and I on the steep path through the slate near the top of Castle Crag
In heavy rain - this was the only photo taken neat the summit (Photo A. Poole)
Opening to the cave
Harvey stays by Andy's side, for food is about to be served
The view from deep in the cave showing the two entrances. Dalton's "Attic" is clearly visible to the left
Andy - still feeding Harvey, or perhaps Harvey is hoping to be fed!
No sign of food - so no sign of Harvey. Andy is setting up his camera
Harvey in Dalton's cave
"Dont Waste words - jump to conclusions" - carving by Millican Dalton
The entrance to the "Attic"
The two entrances to the cave - Paul is by the inscription of Dalton's
Leaving the cave - Grange Fell is in the distance
The entrance to the large cave
Grange Fell
Harvey takes a swim to recue his stick
Paul and Harvey on the banks of the Derwent
The stunning River Derwent
Me (Photo: A Poole)
Harvey (Photo: A Poole)
At the Sportsmans Inn

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