Castle Crag
The "You're a gentleman" walk. A remark made to Susan as she held open a gate for a jogger

Date                   3/3/2012  

CASTLE CRAG - is in the loveliest square mile in Lakeland - the jaws of Borrowdale.


A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Susan, Jed, Paul, Harvey and Ruby    
Weather:  Very dull, occasional sunny spells and showers. Windy higher up    
Distance 10.5 miles. 1100ft of ascent    
Started at: National Trust Car Park, Low Crag Wood.    
Castle Crag 951'    


For a change we didn't need an early start as the forecast was poor to begin, and improving as the day went on. It was Paul's turn to drive and bang on time he pulled up in front of the house at 8.30.

After nipping into Lancaster to get petrol we rejoined the M6 and made our way to Grasmere - the intended start to our climb of Steel Fell and Helm Crag. However, when we arrived the weather was awful, and we made a unanimous decision to do a more sheltered walk around Derwent Water. So off we sped to the NT car park on the shore of Derwent Water. It was 10.15 when we started walking, our plan being to walk around the lake. However, as the forecast promised, the weather started to improve and so we decided to do a figure of 8 walk to Rosthwaite, with Castle Crag being included. On Castle Crag's top we stopped for lunch - finding a spot that was out of the strong wind. We all tucked into our lunch especially Harvey who was ravenous by now. Just after leaving, the heavens opened, first with rain then changing to hail, then back to rain. We took shelter beneath a few large pines, but eventuall set off regardless. Rosthwaite being our destination. Upon arrival we nipped into the pub and had a quick pint before setting off for the return leg.The return walk was reasonably uneventful - one amusing incident occurred as Susan held open a gate for a jogger. As he passed her he said, " Thank you, you're a gentleman." To which another walker said she wasn't. Anyway, after more than 10 miles we arrived back at the car. We and the dogs had had a great day and so we set forth for the Mortal Man for our evening meal.A great day,

Thanks to everyone, including the doggies.


Harvey takes a swim in the cold crystal clear water of the River Derwent to retrieve a stick.
One arch of the twin arched bridge at Grange
Castle Crag towers above the bridge at Grange
Susan, way out on the river bed watches Ruby chase ducks
The first signs of sunshine brings smiles to paul and Susan
As we approched Hollows Farm, sunlight gave us unusual lighting conditions. This photo doesn't really do it justice.....
... but this one does. It was stunning!
Paul walks down the track to Hollins Farm
The entrance to one of the camping fields.
As we approach the top of the pass - this is the view back to Derwentwater
Susan admires the view to Skiddaw as Harvey admires his stick
The start of the steep ascent to the summit and Ruby has no worries about it, as something smells nice!
The plaque dedicated to Sir William Hamer by his wife Mrs Hamer. The nation should be very grateful to Mrs Agnes Hamer.
Susan, Paul and Harvey climb the steps
Susan, Paul and Harvey climb the steps
Susan climbs the stile followed closely by Ruby
On the zig zag path near the top of the crag, Harvey patiently waits for us to catch up
Ruby casually strolls up the slate path to the top
Scenic view south from Castle Crag
Old mine
Harvey admires the drop on the slate zig zag path
Susan makes her way up the same path
Looking down Borrowdale
Standing slate - there are more of these every time I go up Castle Crag. It's eerie, but nice too.
he view to Derwentwater from the summit
The plaque at the summit to John Hamer and the men of Borrowdale who lost their lives in WW1
View to Derwent Water
Paul, wanders through the slate
Paul, wanders through the slate
Harvey crosses the old pack horse bridge
The bridge
Paul and Susan making their way to Rosthwaite
Ruby nearing the farm at Rosthwaite
A typical tranquil Lakeland scene
Entering Rosthwaite
1 Count your pennies
2 Dial
3 Look quizically at the phone, hang up and catch up with your mates.
Harvey heading back to Grange with a twig .....
.....decides it would be good to carry it along the top of the wall
An old working at the foot of XCastle Crag
One last look back to Castle Crag
Lovely Derwent Water
The view of Skiddaw as we cross the flats to the Lodore Hotel

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