Brunt Knott
A walk to celebrate Paul's 50th

Date                   24/4/2010  

BRUNT KNOTT - has fine views of the valley heads of Kentmere and Longsleddale

A. Wainwright


Walks done by: Jed, Paul and Susan    
Weather:  Lovely spring day, warm and hazy sunshine    
Distance 8.5 miles.    
Started at: Staveley Railway Station    
Brunt Knott 1400'  

"Don't take me unexpectedly" - Susan

Susan and I arrived early at Chorley Station and went to the papershop to get water. A couple of magazines caught Susan's eye which she knew would amuse Paul, so they were duly bought. We went back to the station and waited for the train. When it arrived, surprisingly there were no seats available. At Preston Station the train emptied by a good few hundred, and we managed to get a table seat. Paul joined us here. Within the hour we were alighting at Staveley.

The warm weather was going to make this walk a little harder than we had expected, so naturally Paul suggested we went to Wilf's Cafe for a tea and a bite to eat. We had only walked 200yards!! Very kindly Paul bought us all a light breakfast and a cup of tea. 40 minutes later we set off. This walk turned out to be one of the best walks we have ever done. Not because there was great excitement, not because it was high, not because it was nice weather; but it was because beauty abounded, new born lambs were every where, and it was so peaceful and the weather was gorgeous. It was an idyllic day. Shortly after leaving Staveley we got our first sighting of Brunt Knott and it gives a fine sight. It's meagre height of 1400 feet is not noticed, instead it gives the impression of a high fell with a long arete to the west. Our next target was Brunt Knott Farm, where self catering cottages are available. We met the owners and they were very pleasant, explaining that there were 4 cottages available. Susan liked it - I have no doubt she will stay there sometime this year!! (Ed - she did) From here it was the start of the hard pull to the summit. Well it wouldn't be a hard pull usually but the heat made it so. Eventually the summit was reached. This fell is superb. We had met no one, it it so peaceful we spent a good 40 minutes at the top stretched out in the sunshine, having our lunch and chatting. I could have stayed all day!! Eventually we made our leave, heading in a NW direction and then taking the track down to Ghyll Bank. From there it was through the delightful Elfhowe, and then the walk back to the Beer Hall. All along this section I was picturing a pint glass with condensation trickling down it's side. Soon we reached the Beer Hall, where we had various pints of the ales brewed by the Hawkshead Brewery. Eventually we left and headed for our tea at the Eagle. Although the food was Ok the menu is really unimaginative, and overpriced.. BUT - as I said it was well cooked and well presented. By the time we had eaten we could either dash for the last train or take a stroll to Burneside and catch the train there. We chose the latter, and arrived with time to kill, just.

A lovely, lovely idyllic day. I will remember it forever.


Taken shortly after arriving in Staveley. The village hall is in the distance.
The weir at Staveley
Susan reads "Your Dog" slightly to Paul's disbelief!
We're off, the serious part begins as we make our way up Hall Lane
Looking down the steep path from Hall Lane...
... which continues up and gives us our first view of Brunt Knott
Susan and Paul above Brunt Knott Farm
After steady climbing I ask Susan if I can take her. She agrees! So here she is above Brunt Knott Farm. The quote at the top of the page was Susan saying to ask her before I took her photo as she was having a bad hair day
Nearing the top, there was this rock face. We decided to have a scramble, rather than take the longer and easier path to the right of this photo
However, before we set off, Paul takes a moment to meditate
Paul appears near the top of the steep scramble
Paul approaches the top
...then turns and waits for Susan
Almost there. To be honest Susan and Paul took a more difficult route than I did. I was well impressed with Susan.. you can imagine. Here she is nearing the top
And very soon, Brunt Knott summit is in view.
Brunt Knott summit
Susan takes a break and reads the second of the mags she bought
Towering above Susan with a smile on his face, Paul shows off one of the shirts he bought with our Birthday gift money
Paul in disbelief that Susan could read such a mag
The Lamb Section
We had seen lambs all along the walk but as we neared High House farm there where newly borns all around
Looking back to Brunt Knott
Paul and Susan make their way to the delightful Elf Howe
Nearing Elfhowe
Brunt Knott from Elfhowe
Ruins at Elfhowe
Small fir cones at Elfhowe
At Low Elfhowe there was this lovely magnolia, it's scent had greeted us as we descended the hillside
On the lane to Low Elfhowe
Opposite the sign above, Paul and Susan take a break and read a mag...
... non other than The Little House on the Prairie mag!
At Scroggs Farm we saw this proud mother and baby. it had the biggest ears we had seen all day!!
Back in Staveley we cross the bridge .....
...and make our way to the beer hall. This is the view from our settee looking down on the river.
The beer garden of The Eagle along with my pint
Walking to Burneside we came across these ferrets.
Paul called this the "Pigstick". Why? it's huge and certainly is no stick! But that's what we will now call it
Susan makes a good tramp at Burneside station
And on time, the train slowly arrives at Burneside to end a day we didn't want to end.

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