Brock Crags

Date                   26/1/2008  

BROCK CRAGS- it is as a viewpoint that the summit merits most respect


A. Wainwright

Walks done by: Jed, Paul and Susan    
Weather:  Wet, very wet, and very windy in exposed places.    
Distance 5 miles.    
Started at: Hartsop    
Brock Crags 1842'  


It was fine as we left Leyland at 8.00, but I'd seen the forecast and it was not a good one for Cumbria. And so it proved. We made good time to Hartsop arriving around 9.30 - and it was raining! Paul immediately said he was putting his over trousers on and Susan and I followed suit.

Our original plan was to climb Angletarn Pikes and Brock Crags, ascending by the path to Boardale Hause, doing the Pikes and then Brock Crags. A last minute change had us doing it the other way round starting off with the steep climb to Brock Crags.So off we strode towards the Filter House, and then zig zagging up the side of Brock Crags. It was half way up that I realised my old over trousers weren't up to the job any more. The sheeting rain had forced its way through the fabric and my trousers were soaking. Susan had the same problem, and so it was going to be a long cold walk for the two of us. By 11.30 we had reached Brock Crags summit where the wind was ferocious. We didn't hang around and left for Angle Tarn, for shelter and for our lunch. We ate quickly as it was too cold and wet to stand around, and headed in the direction of Angletarn Pikes. Nearing them we decided it was better to leave them for another day as the wind and rain made it uncomfortable to attain the summits, better to get ourselves down. Eventually arriving at the car - we changed into any dry clothes we had - and made our way to a pub. Eventually we arrived at the Eagle in Staveley, where we got a seat in front of the fire. Here I dried out my soaking trousers and regained a sense of comfort for the first time in five hours.

Having said all of the above we all really enjoyed the walk as it had been some considerable time since we had ventured out on the Lakeland Fells. One thing Susan and I learned was that decent over trousers should be our next purchase.


Paul - with new waterproofs, and dirty boots.
All the photo's below were taken using the camera on my mobile due to the weather (cameras on mobiles in 2008 were poor - probably 3mb)
It really was awful weather so no more photo's were taken till we reached Brock Crags summit. Here, the rain eased for a few seconds but the wind was relentless.
A glimpse of Angle Tarn from Brock Crags summit
Susan descends to Boardale Hause - Ullswater is just visible in the distance
Susan near Boardale Hause, with the bulk of Place Fell behind her.
Paul - well kitted out for the atrocious weather
Susan descends the path from Boardale Hause to Hartsop
And looking the other way - Patterdale and Ullswater are visible
On the lovely valley path to Hartsop
..and the waterfall is in full flow
Susan and Paul heading for the charming hamlet of Hartsop
And finally, as we enter Lancashire the weather has changed and we see a nice sunset from the M6

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