Barf, Lord's Seat & Broom Fell  

Date 6/7/2003
Distance 5 miles
Weather Overcast
Walk done by Jed
Starting Point Lay-by near Swan Hotel (now closed)
Barf 1536'
Lord's Seat 1811'
Broom Fell 1677'


Barf - This little rogue mountain cannot be tamed

Lord's Seat - Once a fashionable climb, Lord's Seat is now out of favour - yet the heathery top is a pleasant lunching place no less than of yore.

Broom Fell - nothing to justify a special visit to its summit

    Alfred Wainwright

The Clerk at the foot of Barf


The Bishop from the foot of the scree. This angle appears to make it smaller than it actually is


The view over the Vale of Keswick from Wainwright's ledge.


Finally out of the woods and the final section looms in front 


Nearing Barf's summit.



Ullock Pike and Skiddaw from Barf


The view from Barf


Looking across Bass Lake to Binsey


Barf's summit


Lord's Seat from Barf


Looking back to Barf 


Lord's Seat summit 


Broom Fell from Lords Seat.


Looking SW from the approach to Broom Fell


Broom Fell Summit


An impressive cairn on a supposed uninteresting mountain


Wainwright's mysterious wall


One last view of the Vale of Keswick on the return