Ard Crags and Knott Rigg

Distance 6 miles
Weather Glorious and very warm
Walk done by Jed

"Lonely Ard Crags offers, especially in August, a climb up to a personal heaven of one's very own - at only 1800 feet"

Alfred Wainwright



Ard Crags 1906' approx
Knott Rigg 1824' approx


At the start of the walk - Causey Pike towers above the road in the Newlands Valley

First glimpse of Ard Crags - check Wainwright's North Western fells - almost identical to his drawing

Ard Crags from Birk Rigg

Causey Pike stands proud to the right of the path

The final climb from Aikin Knott.

Looking back down the ridge to Newlands valley and Catbells

The view to the west from Aikin Knott. The small ridge right of centre is the descent route for today's walk. Its not a well used route.  

Sail from Ard Crags ridge

Looking back to Causey Pike


Ard Crags summit and cairn

From L to R - Wandope, Addacomb Hole, Crag Hill and Sail from Ard Crags summit

Looking west along the ridge

Looking westerly to Knott Rigg

Robinson from the path to Knott Rigg

Hindscarth and the ridge to Robinson in the foreground

Looking down Ard Gill

Knott Rigg ahead

Knott Rigg Summit with (L to R) High Crag, High Stile and Red Pike in the distance

The view of the High Stile ridge to the west from Knott Rigg

The ridge of descent to Keskadale Farm

Ard Crag from Newlands

Farm in Newlands on the way back to the campsite